Video Marketing For Short Term Rentals

Short-term rentals have become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people seek unique and authentic travel experiences. With the rise of platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo, the competition for bookings has also increased, making it more important than ever for hosts to market their properties effectively. Nashville Drone Co is helping short-term owners, in Nashville and surrounding areas, put their short-term rentals at the top of desired places to stay.

One effective way to market short-term rentals is through the use of video. Video allows potential guests to get a better sense of what the property looks like, how it is furnished, and what the surrounding neighborhood has to offer. Nashville Drone Co uses drones to capture the outside from interesting perspective and handheld camera to tell the story of the inside. We recently filmed some properties in Cincinnati and the video above features the beautiful short-term rental Deco on Mulberry.

Here are some tips on how to use video to market short-term rentals:

  1. Showcase the property: The primary purpose of the video should be to showcase the property itself. Capturing the outside of the property with a drone to show views from above helps the potential renters imagine something wonderful. Make sure to capture footage of each room, highlighting any unique or interesting features. Use natural light whenever possible and avoid using filters or excessive editing that might make the property look different from how it actually is.

  2. Highlight amenities: In addition to showcasing the property itself, it's also important to highlight any amenities that guests will have access to. This could include a pool, hot tub, gym, or outdoor space. Make sure to capture footage of these amenities and include them in the video.

  3. Show the neighborhood: Guests want to know what the neighborhood is like, so be sure to capture footage of nearby attractions, restaurants, and shops. This will give potential guests a sense of what they can expect to do and see during their stay.

  4. Use music and voiceover: Adding music and a voiceover can help to make the video more engaging and informative. Choose music that matches the tone of the property and use a voiceover to provide additional details and information about the property and neighborhood.

  5. Keep it short and sweet: A video that is too long can quickly become boring and lose the attention of potential guests. Keep the video short and to the point, ideally under two minutes in length.

  6. Share on social media: Once the video is complete, share it on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to reach a wider audience. Consider using paid advertising to reach even more potential guests.

In conclusion, video can be a powerful tool for marketing short-term rentals. By showcasing the property, highlighting amenities, showing the neighborhood, and using music and voiceover, hosts can create a compelling video that will help to attract potential guests. By sharing the video on social media and using paid advertising, hosts can reach a wider audience and increase the chances of bookings.


Using Drone Video to Market Airbnb Rentals

